Ezylog Photovoltaic Management Server – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Roberto Paleari
    日期: 2012-09-12
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/21273/
  • Multiple vulnerabilities in Ezylog photovoltaic management server
    Title:Multiple vulnerabilities in Ezylog photovoltaic management server
    Discovery date: 27/08/2012
    Release date: 11/09/2012
    Credits:Roberto Paleari (roberto@greyhats.it, @rpaleari)
    Ivan Speziale (ivan.speziale@hush.com)
    The vulnerabilities discussed in this advisory affect the Schneider Electric
    Ezylog photovoltaic SCADA management server. However, the same management
    server is shared among different photovoltaic SCADA products from several
    manufacturers, with few customization. Thus, the same vulnerabilities should
    also apply to other products as well. All the firmware versions we analyzed
    have been found to be affected by these issues.
    The software running on the affected devices is vulnerable to multiple security
    issues, that allow unauthenticated remote attackers to gain administrative
    access and execute arbitrary commands. The details of the vulnerabilities we
    found are discussed next.
    a) SQL injection vulnerabilities
    Many of the web pages included inside the device firmware are vulnerable to SQL
    injection (SQLI) issues, and allow attackers to interact with the underlying
    MySQL database. In the following we provide just few examples for this
    vulnerability class, but the same kind of defect also affects several different
    web pages.
    Page "dettagliinverter.php" can be accessed with no authentication, with two
    GET parameters:
    The "inverterselect" argument is subject to a very straightforward SQLI issue,
    exploitable both manually or with publicly-available tools. Thus, attackers can
    easily leverage this issue to access the content of the SQL table that contains
    all valid username/password combinations (passwords are in plain text).
    Similarly, page "changelanguagesession.php" is affected by a similar issue,
    concerning the POST parameter "lingua".
    b) Hard-coded accounts
    The web page "login.php" checks user-supplied credentials against the
    username/password combinations stored inside the MySQL database. However, the
    device also authorizes 2 (or 3, in some setups) hard-coded accounts, when the
    user provides a specific password, regardless of the supplied username. These
    predefined passwords are hard-coded inside the PHP file, thus they cannot be
    changed (or removed) by the user.
    The relevant code fragments from "login.php" are reported below:
    $password = mysql_escape_string($_POST['password']);
    if (crypt($password,salt)=='satIZufhIrUfk'){
     $sql_pthr_ = "SELECT user,password FROM account WHERE livello = 0";
    if ($password=='astridservice' and $stilecustumization=='astrid'){
    if (crypt($password,salt)=='saF8bay.tvfOk'){
    $sql_insert="INSERT INTO account(user,password,livello,nome) VALUES ('sinapsi','sinapsi','0','Amministratore Sinapsi')";
    We already decoded the encrypted password "satIZufhIrUfk", which corresponds to
    the string "36e44c9b64".
    c) Command-injection
    Attackers can exploit the "ping.php" page to execute arbitrary commands on the
    device, with administrative privileges. More precisely, the "ip_dominio" POST
    parameter is not sanitize properly, thus it is possible to leverage traditional
    command-injection techniques to inject arbitrary commands.
    curl "http://<target address>/ping.php?ping=ok" -d "ip_dominio= -n 1 %26 dir"
    Such an HTTP request forces the device to execute the following command:
    ping -n 1 & dir
    As the POST parameter is used to build a command-line argument without being
    sanitized before, attackers can leverage termination characters (e.g., '&') to
    execute arbitrary commands (e.g., "dir").
    d) Broken session enforcement
    The device software does not verify whether an user who accesses most of the
    management web pages (e.g., "ping.php") is associated with a properly
    authenticated session. In other terms, the command-execution and SQLI
    vulnerabilities discussed in the previous sections can be exploited by
    unauthenticated attackers.
    We are not aware of an updated firmware that corrects the issues described in
    this advisory. Users should avoid exposing the management interface of the
    device on the Internet.
     * 29/08/2012 - Initial vendor contact.
     * 05/09/2012 - No reply from vendor, re-contacting via e-mail.
     * 11/09/2012 - Still no reply from vendor. Disclosure.
    The authors are not responsible for the misuse of the information provided in
    this security advisory. The advisory is a service to the professional security
    community. There are NO WARRANTIES with regard to this information. Any
    application or distribution of this information constitutes acceptance AS IS,
    at the user's own risk. This information is subject to change without notice.