Google Dork: inurl:"/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed?url=" Description: Using this Google dork can help identify WordPress sites that have their oEmbed API publicly accessible, which could potentially be useful for various purposes such as cont...
Google Dork: inurl:"/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed?url=" Description: Using this Google dork can help identify WordPress sites that have their oEmbed API publicly accessible, which could potentially be useful for various purposes such as cont...
# Google Dork: inurl: /admin/webeditor/admin_login.asp # Files Containing Juicy Info # Date:12/09/2021 # Exploit Author: Romell Marin Cordoba
Google Dork Query to find out sensitive information for misconfigured wordpress base servers. Google Dork Query: *intitle:"index of" inurl:wp-json embedurl?*
#Google Dork: intitle:"Index of" inurl:wp-json intitle:"Index of" inurl:wp-json/oembed #Description: contains sensitive files, links embedded with wordpress & can be used to find CORS # Author: Tejas Jain (
Dork who show live cams and tv. Dork by Rootkit Pentester.
This will bring up publicly available Google Calendars. For example, using this dork you can find: - - ...
记录一下,比较老的一个点了,但很实用: ewebeditor.asp?id=article_content&style=full_v200 1 ewebeditor.asp?id=article_content&style=full_v200 如表和列什么...
发布日期:2010-05.23 发布作者:Ma3sTr0-Dz 影响版本:eWebEditor v1.x 漏洞描述: eWebEditor v1.x 文件上传漏洞,通过IIS解析漏洞拿webshell. Dork : allinurl:ewebeditor/asp/ Exploit : /[path]/asp/upload.asp?type=file&style=coolblue&language=zh-cn /uplo...
com_jembed (catid) Blind SQL Injection - CVE: 2010-1073: